Social Protection
This report collates literature which contributes to the discussion around whether youth are more likely to benefit from economic transformation in terms of employment and income. Given the emphasis put on young people’s ability to innovate and be flexible, are they well-positioned to take advantage of macroeconomic changes? In the time available for this report,… Read more
The term resilience was brought into use by social science disciplines as a counter to discourse on vulnerability (Panter-Brick, 2014). Reducing vulnerability in post-conflict contexts at the household level broadly translates into securing food and livelihoods. This is what this report focuses on. In disaster risk discourse the following definition of resilience is used: the… Read more
Estimates of how many jobs are vulnerable to being replaced by machine vary but it is clear that developing countries are more susceptible to automation compared to high-income countries. Traditionally, blue-collar routine jobs have been automated but with the emergence of greatly improved computing power, artificial intelligence and robotics, a much larger scope of occupations… Read more
Social protection is increasingly recognised as a key route to reducing children’s poverty and vulnerability. It is assumed to have direct or indirect effects on specific challenges that children face, such as child labour. Child labour is not often included as a main aim of social protection, and therefore is not commonly tracked systematically (de… Read more
This report summarises available evidence on approaches to promoting inclusion, participation and achievement in education for Roma children. The purpose of this report was to inform programme development for Roma education in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and to support policy dialogue with governments, sub-national authorities and others. However, examples and evidence from the… Read more
Introduction to the topic This is the third in the series of urban health reading packs. It builds on the urban heath reading pack A on the data and evidence available on urban health, and on the experiences and challenges of inter-sectoral responses outlined in reading pack B. This pack focuses on service provision within… Read more
Introduction to the topic This reading pack briefly highlights some of the research and programme work that are showing positive benefits for young children with disabilities in low-resource settings. The international evidence that high quality early childhood development (ECD) programmes benefit all children’s development, life experiences, and life chances is overwhelming. The evidence comes from… Read more
This study examined the knowledge and practices of adolescent school girls in Kano, Nigeria around menstruation and menstrual hygiene. It argues that the majority had fair knowledge of menstruation, although deficient in specific knowledge areas. Institutionalising sexuality education in Nigerian schools; developing and disseminating sensitive adolescent reproductive health massages targeted at both parents and their… Read more
Menstrual health is one of the major areas of concern in reproductive health affecting a large number of women, starting from their adolescence. Menstrual hygiene and management has direct consequences on fertility and reproductive tract infections respectively. This study aimed to: investigate the availability of sanitary napkins in the operational villages of Block Chinhat in… Read more
The market for menstrual hygiene products in developing countries is expanding rapidly, driven both by private demand and by public efforts to improve girls’ educational outcomes as well as women’s health and dignity. However, many girls and women cannot consistently afford the monthly cost of disposable menstrual products and revert to less hygienic solutions when… Read more
Little is known about how menstruation is managed in low-income settings and whether existing sanitation systems meet women’s needs. Using the ‘Photovoice’ method with 21 women in participatory workshops and in-depth interviews, data was collected on menstrual hygiene management in three sites in Durban, South Africa. All women reported using disposable sanitary pads. Although they… Read more