Urban Sanitation
In early 2017, WSUP commissioned a situation analysis of urban sanitation services in Bangladesh, Ghana and Kenya, in order to identify potential research areas as part of the DFID-funded Urban Sanitation Research Initiative. Here, Goufrane Mansour (Aguaconsult, lead expert for the study) and Sam Drabble (WSUP, Research and Evaluation Manager) reflect on common findings across the three… Read more
This report, part of WSUP’s Urban Sanitation Research Initiative, explores the background to the urban sanitation sector in Ghana. Ghana is a fast-growing economy that has made notable progress in reducing poverty but urban infrastructure has not kept pace with cities’ expansion and high levels of rural-urban migration. Only a fraction of urban residents use… Read more
This report, part of WSUP’s Urban Sanitation Research Initiative, explores the background to the urban sanitation sector in Kenya. Kenya is one of Africa’s top 10 economies, experiencing strong urban growth amid deep institutional and governance reforms. However, a minority of urban residents use improved sanitation facilities as per the JMP definition, while wastewater treatment… Read more
This report, an output of WSUP’s Urban Sanitation Research Initiative, explores the background to the urban sanitation sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a lower middle-income country with high ambitions, but poor infrastructure in urban areas is holding back economic growth. However, onsite sanitation is the norm; transport and treatment services for sewage and faecal sludge… Read more
This is one article in a four-part PLoS Medicine series on water and sanitation. Summary Points 2.6 billion people in the world lack adequate sanitation—the safe disposal of human excreta. Lack of sanitation contributes to about 10% of the global disease burden, causing mainly diarrhoeal diseases. In the past, government agencies have typically built sanitation… Read more
The multiple ways in which water, sanitation, and hygiene education in schools (WASH in Schools) contributes toward education – including attendance, retention and learning – is fairly well documented. When children have access to clean and appropriate toilets, hand washing facilities, adequate and clean water they are healthier, are more likely to attend school regularly,… Read more