Water Services
This paper explores the links between water infrastructure, water policies, processes and protections, along with mechanisms for women’s leadership and decision-making for contributing to rural well-being. The broad-brush strokes approach is our attempt to reveal the breadth and complexity of the interdisciplinary nature of problems, which can only be solved via interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches…. Read more
Poor rural women in the developing world spend considerable time collecting water. How then do they respond to improved access to water infrastructure? Does it increase their participation in income earning market-based activities? Does it improve the health and education outcomes of their children? To help address these questions, a new approach for dealing with… Read more
In large parts of the world, a lack of home tap water burdens households as the water must be brought to the house from outside, at great expense in terms of effort and time This paper studies how such costs affect girls’ schooling in Ghana, with an analysis based on four rounds of the Demographic… Read more