A Gender Analysis of the Merankabandi Cash Transfer Project


This report provides a gender analysis of the Government of Burundi’s “MERANKABANDI” cash transfer project. This study is the first of two papers providing technical support to the UNICEF country office on the programming of activities commonly called “cash plus” or activities complementary to cash transfers.

The purpose of this technical support is to assess the extent to which the cash plus programme is gender-responsive, and to provide recommendations for strategically advancing cash plus activities to achieve better results for girls and women in the project coverage areas.

This report focuses on the analysis of ‘gender’ indicators as part of the activities of the MERANKABANDI project. In particular, the study examined the extent to which the MERANKABANDI project was formulated according to a gender approach aimed at equality and equity. This study is based on an analysis of the context in Burundi, the different risks and vulnerabilities that affect women and girls, it identifies the challenges associated with the activities from a gender perspective, and proposes recommendations for the effective inclusion of gender in the implementation of the project activities.
