Following a successful proof-of-concept with USAID, CyberSmart Africa prepares for a roll-out of its “21st Century School-in-a-Box” in a significantly larger number of schools. It has made great progress in 2013, innovating and improving equipment, refining education content and teacher training as the foundation for highly scalable digital learning in sub-Saharan Africa. CyberSmart Africa’s vision is to connect sub-Saharan Africa to a globalized world of information and knowledge sharing. Elementary schools are a logical starting point CyberSmart Africa’s key focus is to impact the largest number of elementary school students, the fastest growing demographic. It is committed to reach schools without electricity—the majority of schools in sub-Saharan Africa — by overcoming the extreme difficulties that many other digital learning initiatives encounter. CyberSmart Africa’s approach is — tech-lite and “training-heavy. It focuses on adapting and simplifying equipment at the grassroots level, and use a unique interactive whiteboard so that the whole class can learn together. Then it emphasize teacher training, as the best way to achieve scale and transform learning.