Educate a child programme

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In 2012, a multi-year strategic partnership was initiated between UNHCR and Educate A Child (EAC), a programme of the Education Above All (EAA) foundation. Since 2012, EAC has enabled over 266,000 out-of-school refugee children to access primary school in 12 countries through UNHCR and its partners. EAC complements the roll-out of UNHCR’s Refugee Education Strategy 2012-2016, which focuses on promoting quality education in safe learning environments, lifelong educational opportunities, and the strengthening of partnerships, particularly with Ministries of Education. At the core of the strategy is a commitment to sound data management, including the ability to measure learning outcomes and the impact of interventions. Drawing on a range of innovative approaches, UNHCR’s partnership with EAC underlines the fact that it is not just a question of getting refugee children into school, but also ensuring that children complete their education and leave school with the necessary knowledge and skills to help them become agents in their own protection. EAC implementing countries are Chad, Ethiopia, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, and Yemen.

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