As progress is made towards the Education for All and Millennium Development goals, including universal primary education and gender parity at all levels of education, increasing attention is being given to those children who are still out of school, are particularly hard to reach and are at risk of being excluded, marginalised or otherwise disadvantaged in relation to education. These tools have been developed to support governments, their development partners and other stakeholders to address equity and inclusion in education sector plans. They have also been designed to be used in the development and appraisal of planning as part of the process of plan endorsement by the EFA Fast Track Initiative (FTI). The first and main tool (Tool A) sets out five key aspects of planning for equity and inclusion and asks some critical questions about these different aspects. It may be particularly useful for planning in countries which are making progress towards equity and inclusion but are not yet in a position to develop a comprehensive approach. The second tool (Tool B) lists a fuller set of questions which may be particularly useful as countries move towards a more comprehensive approach to equity and inclusion and the third tool (Tool C) provides a framework which can be used to assess a particular country’s position on the trajectory towards equity and inclusion.
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