This report provides a broad review of the field of education in fragile states and charts a new agenda for maximising education’s contribution to the development and well-being of people living in these contexts. The authors find compelling evidence showing that education can play an important role for accelerating progress in fragile states for four main reasons: economic growth and poverty reduction (economic development); children’s protection and well-being in and after emergencies (humanitarian action); peacebuilding and statebuilding (security); and reducing risks from and building resilience to disasters and climate change. The authors recommend that to harness the power of education in developing fragile states, the field must move towards integration. Integrating the concern for education in fragile states across development, humanitarian, security, and disaster risk reduction (DRR) actors is crucial for ensuring continuity of quality education at scale. The involvement across these sets of actors is needed because the contexts in which they work are frequently overlapping. This means development actors have to think and act differently on fragility issues and humanitarian, security, and DRR actors have to do the same for education issues.