Oportunidades, 15 years of results

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The social policy of the Mexican Government is aimed to improve human development and wellbeing among Mexicans through the development of their capacities in health, education and nutrition, in order to promote equality and overcome poverty.

Oportunidades is one of the core axes of Mexican policy, and in 2012 is benefiting 5.8 million families. Other 700,000 hou- seholds are beneficiaries of the Food Support Program (Programa de Apoyo Alimentario-PAL), which operates in marginalized areas with no access to education or health services. Both programs -Oportunidades and PAL- make up a total coverage of 6.5 million families, which means that 30% of Mexicans receive cash trans- fers in order to help them overcome their poverty condition and build a different future for themselves and their families.


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