A ‘learning partner’ formative evaluation of StiR Education’s Intrinsic Motivation model
STiR Education’s scaling model is predicated on delivering through the system, not just working alongside it. There are no parallel programme delivery structures: STiR works directly with system level roles at the middle tier, including Teacher Development Coordinators (TDCs) and Mentor Teachers (MTs). The aim is to build a deep sense of collective responsibility for changing the system. In other words, STiR aims to spark mindset and culture change at system level, as well as at teacher level. To understand high impact scaling models, we therefore need to go beyond understanding school level interventions: we need to understand more about ‘what good looks like’ for these system level roles. The research has generated a range of insights in this regard.
1. When working at scale, innovation in workforce design is as important as the intervention itself. Our analysis shows how STiR and the Delhi government have developed new kinds of roles at the middle tier to set up and deliver large-scale culture change. The TDC and MT roles are different to traditional middle tier or programme delivery roles: they are network leaders, working collaboratively across schools and with teachers to improve their practice. This report looks at these workforce innovations and how the roles have been designed to support change at scale.
2. Building workforce and system capacity is not just about new roles and structures: developing the right culture and mindset is critical. Getting the design right for new system level workforce roles is not enough. Our analysis shows that the highest performing TDCs and MTs were differentiated by a clear set of skills that supported them to lead change in their schools. This report encourages scalers to think beyond the ‘hard wiring’ of role design and workforce organograms, considering the mindsets and competencies that will be critical to scaling success.
3. System level capacity is a leading indicator for impact and should be tracked over time. STiR paid close attention to workforce capacity at system level from Day 1 of the scaling journey. When scaling, it can be easy to focus on the recruitment of new posts and the quality of school level interventions. This report encourages scalers to learn from STiR’s approach and to consider ongoing analysis of workforce capacity as important management information.