Teaching and learning activities in Chilean classrooms: Is ICT making a difference?

This paper presents the results of the analysis of teaching and learning activities in state subsidized schools in Chile. The study is based on the data collected through a national survey applied to all state subsidized schools (census) and a sample of private schools and examines teachers’ and students’ reported teaching and learning activities in general and with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Additionally, it compares the frequency of these activities between primary and secondary schools as well as between a set of the highest and lowest performing schools.
In general, results contribute to deepen the discussion regarding the specific role of ICT in teaching and learning activities; have implications for developing or adapting ICT tools for teachers and students and provide useful evidence that can be used for guiding the design of much more focused ICT in education policies that recognise and take advantage of the different types of teaching and learning activities implemented in different schools, illustrating patterns of activities that could constitute models of good practice.
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