Thematic Note 2013 – Education for All Global Monitoring Report Teaching and Learning for Development

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The 2013 Education for All Global Monitoring Report will show why teaching and learning are pivotal for development in a rapidly changing world. It will explain how investing wisely in teachers, and other reforms aimed at strengthening equitable learning, transform the long- term prospects of people and societies.

As the 2015 deadline approaches, it is clear that considerable progress has been made since the EFA goals and Millennium Development Goals were established, but that the task is not yet complete. New challenges have also emerged that threaten to reverse some recent successes, taking the heaviest toll on the poorest and most vulnerable. Rapid urbanization is accompanied by threats from economic recession, environmental degradation, climate change, food insecurity and other factors. The Report will present new evidence to show that learning that is equitable – that offer an equal chance to all – is essential if young people are to acquire the skills they need to get work in a changing world. Equitable education can help people claim the kind of democratic change that will ensure development benefits all citizens. Education improves health and livelihoods, empowers women and other vulnerable groups, boosts economic growth and reduces poverty in ways that helps to lock in gains for generations to come.

This thematic note gives more details on what the full report will focus on. In particular, the report will highlight policies and strategies from around the world that demonstrate education’s power to promote equitable development. It will focus attention on improving the quality of education, including through reforming teacher training, deployment and motivation. Reforms in teaching can also ensure people acquire the digital literacy skills demanded by rapidly evolving information and communication technologies and social media.

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