Four Approaches to Planning Expansion of Secondary Schooling

In February 2014, as part of the UK Department for International Development’s (DFID’s) ongoing professional development of their education advisers, Prof. Keith Lewin delivered a series of seminars on secondary education development. Prof. Lewin is an expert in International Education and Development from University of Sussex. This page shows videos and resources for the third seminar, which presents four approaches to planning expansion of secondary schooling. A list of relevant literature and key resources is provided on the secondary education series introduction page, in the form of an annotated bibliography.

The presentation that accompanies this seminar is available to download as a PDF.

This video is a short version of the seminar.

The video below is a long version of the seminar.

The other two seminars in this series are:

Seminar 1 – Expanding Secondary Schooling in Low Income Countries -Rationales and Challenges

Seminar 2 – Financing the expansion of secondary schools in low income countries

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