HEART Talks is a series of web-based resources based around short video recordings focusing on the fields of health, education nutrition, social protection and WASH. Experts in these fields volunteer their time and expertise in exchange for the opportunity to present their ideas and share information on their subject of interest. The videos are accompanied by key papers, links to relevant documents and other resources.
In this video Lori Heise, the CEO of the DFID funded STRIVE research consortium, gives a brief summary of their work on the drivers of HIV. She describes how the group is working with partners from India, Tanzania and South Africa to gain a better understanding of how environments can help people to make healthier… Read more
In this short video, Katelyn Donnelly gives her views on education reform in developing countries. She argues that it is important to focus on the demand side when developing accountability systems in the context of education. Adequate demand will put pressure on the accountability system, allowing the collection of regular and reliable data. Once demand… Read more
In this short video, Lant Pritchett gives his views on performance-based approaches to education. He argues that getting nearly every child in the world into school is one of the success stories of both development and the 20th century. Now the agenda must shift from focusing on access to focusing on learning. This approach will… Read more
Sir Michael is a leading authority on education systems and education reform. Over the past two decades his research and advisory work has focused on school improvement, standards and performance; system-wide reform; effective implementation; access, success and funding in higher education; and access and quality in schools in developing countries. Sir Michael is DFID’s Special… Read more
In this video, Prof. Sally Grantham-McGregor discusses the importance of early childhood development. She argues that the main reasons for a child not reaching his or her full potential are partly nutritional, party health related and partly due to psychosocial stimulation or the quality of the home environment. She goes on to explain that how well… Read more
Sue Kinn is the Research Manager for the Health and Education Research Team from the Department for International Development (DFID). In this short video she discusses why research is so important for DFID and how they go about finding the evidence that is needed. DFID is committed to commissioning world-class research that directly improves people’s… Read more
In the short video below, Jane Miller, a Health Adviser for Department for International Development (DFID), discusses the key issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which is also known as Female Genital Cutting (FGC). In many African countries, women’s rights have made great progress. However FGM continues to undermine the rights of women and girls…. Read more
Each year approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely. This is more than one in 10 of all babies born around the world. All newborns are vulnerable, but preterm babies are acutely so. Many require special care and treatment simply to remain alive. Newborn deaths — those in the first month of life — account… Read more
John Walley is a Professor of International Public Health at the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, University of Leeds. He is also the Co-Research Director of the Health Service Delivery Research Programme Consortium (COMDIS-HSD). COMDIS-HSD is a £7.5 million DFID funded, seven country research programme, incorporating service delivery themes ofprimary care, urban health,… Read more
Eric Hanushek is the Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He is a leader in the development of economic analysis of educational issues. His research spans such diverse areas as the impact of teacher quality, high stakes accountability, equity and efficiency in school finance, and class size reduction… Read more
Dr. Gillespie works as a Senior Research Fellow for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and currently a visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies. He is also the CEO of the Transform Nutrition Research Program Consortium – a six-partner consortium that seeks to transform thinking and action on “the neglected crisis of… Read more