Tim Martineau on the Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States Working Group

Tim Martineau is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (HRM) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and leads a growing team working on health workforce issues. In this video, he talks about the Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States Working Group, a subgroup of Health Systems Global which is a society for promoting health systems research.
According to Mr Martineau, the Working Group (which is run through the professional networking site LinkedIn) was created as a forum for discussion, knowledge-sharing, and research on health in conflict-affected and fragile countries. The Working Group has grown rapidly and now has over 300 members from a range of backgrounds, including NGOs, donors, researchers, and students. One of the Group’s key achievement to date has been the consolidation of existing research. The Group recently edited a special issue of the journal Conflict and Health entitled “Filling the void: Health systems in fragile and conflict affected states” with 11 papers, including two highly accessed ones. The special issue is available here. Mr Martineau mentions that the Group were engaged in a collaborative needs assessment and were hoping to host a webinar. Since this video was recorded, the webinar has taken place and is available to access here.


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