Assignment Reports
This is an Evaluation of DFID’s 2012-17 grant to WHO-NTD, the Geneva-based headquarters of the WHO’s fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). In a pioneering approach, a key element of DFID’s grant was to fund three staff positions within WHO-NTD: a health economist, a logistician and a programme epidemiologist. Unusually DFID also provided specific support to… Read more
The DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh aims to improve nutrition outcomes for children, mothers and adolescent girls by integrating the delivery of a number of nutrition-specific (or direct) interventions with the livelihood support provided to extremely poor people by three existing programmes in Bangladesh. These three programmes are… Read more
Key Messages Evaluations that explore how interventions (programmes or projects) lead to transformational change in women and girls’ lives, enhancing their power, including control of resources, decision-making and agency, and not simply increased income, provide a more meaningful understanding of women and girls’ economic empowerment. Mixed methods evaluations lead to more useful findings as they… Read more
The girls education project 3 (GEP3) in Nigeria aims to get more girls to complete basic education. Recommendations based on this evaluation include: To increase parental demand for and support to girls’ education: Write a conditional cash transfer strategy strategy for design and scale-up of scheme. Establish clearer attribution of enrolment increases via analysis of… Read more
This independent evaluation finds SAFANSI is well on track to achieve its purpose. Substantive outputs and outcomes are starting to emerge from the short period of its operations and it exhibits good principles of development effectiveness in its management and operations. Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) remain large problems in South Asia and are unlikely to… Read more
This Operational Research and Impact Evaluation (ORIE) Research summary highlights key findings from a Nutrition Commitment Audit (NCA) designed and applied in Nigeria in 2012 in order to examine national and sub-national level factors influencing the country’s commitment to addressing undernutrition.
This paper presents the findings of a nutrition audit for DFID Malawi, which was conducted by MQSUN between June and July 2012. It looks at the extent to which current DFID Malawi programmes and activities already make a contribution to the reduction of undernutrition, the potential for scaling up the existing programmes to contribute to… Read more
This review responds to an NAO request for further work to assess the impact of the health Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Malawi. Malawi has been a relatively strong performer in terms of health outcomes for many years. Since the early part of the decade, key health indicators such as infant and under five mortality rates… Read more
Evaluation findings include: Programme implementation was slower than anticipated. At Goal level Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and HIV incidence rates remain low and have been sustained during the project. However, incidence was very low on commencement so it is difficult to attribute this to interventions. Higher level on-island inputs should have been provided in the… Read more
The purpose of this project for DFID was to support the Government of Kenya and the Ministries of Public Health and Sanitation and of Medical Services, under the auspices of the Second National Health Sector Strategic Plan, to provide integrated effective health services in Kenya, particularly for poor women and infants. The EHS programme of… Read more
The overall fiduciary risk in the Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP) was found to be High. The risks assessments were based on a combination of two previous Public Expenditure Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments in 2006 & 2008; Education Sector-specific financial management assessments; and professional judgement. The assessment reviewed public financial management accountability (PFMA) at… Read more