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In recognition of the challenges of working effectively in conflict-affected and fragile situations, including insecurity, weak state capacity, difficult political environments and acute humanitarian crises, the OECD-DAC developed a series of Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations in April 2007 to complement the commitments set out in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. DFID has… Read more
This book seeks to explore why the workplace has become involved in childcare support and what programmes have been implemented, based on concrete examples of childcare support that can be found in workplaces around the world. Even a quick look at the Internet reveals that there are a number of enterprises, government departments, parastatals, universities… Read more
Since the Monterrey Conference of 2002, the development community – partner countries and donors alike – has been focusing on managing its work so as to achieve the maximum development results. This is not to say that development efforts never achieved results before 2002, but what is new is a shared understanding of the need… Read more