Helpdesk Reports
HSRC REPORT: This report provides an overview of the past 25 years at the shifting support for user fees in health and education, and reflections on the future.
HSRC REPORT: This study describes current drug regulation and registration processes in selected countries in order to understand how they affect the quality and availability of medicines in developing countries, develops policy recommendations as to how systems can more efficiently allow appropriate quality drugs to market, and discusses emerging challenges and requirements posed by compulsory… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This note summarises the main issues and recommendations made at a DFID workshop in 2004. The workshop consisted of a discussion of the findings from an independent review of DFID’s social marketing services in the health sector, in 2003.
HSRC REPORT: This paper reviews the six main approaches to demand-side projects and programmes, including the need to change user behaviour to improve health outcomes. The report also examines the different understandings of ‘demand side’ in various literatures, in operational and policy perspectives and in international agencies. It maps out the different ways in which… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This paper reviews experiences of social agencies contracting with the private sector to provide health care services, and focuses on the capacity of this mechanism to improve access to services by the poor.
HSRC REPORT: This paper aims to contribute to the development of common understanding of the reality in countries where most poor people live and to formulate practical strategies for meeting the needs of the poor. It explores the use of different strategies and frameworks that take into account the different contexts prevalent in developing countries,… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This review examines the systematic and individual causes of multiple job-holding (MJH) and evidence on its prevalence through an analysis of country-level conditions. It draws attention to the need to conduct more research and evaluation of causes of multiple job holding among health workers.
HSRC REPORT: This report provides an overview of the implications of international recruitment of health workers to the UK.
HSRC REPORT: This paper aims to increase understanding of the requirements for introducing and scaling up provision of Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART) as part of comprehensive HIV/AIDS programmes in resource-poor countries. It explores the feasibility of ART in resource poor settings;the different approaches taken to the delievery of ART; the issues to be considered in scaling… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This report is based on a two day NHS Briefing seminar held in June 2003 for advisors from the Department for International Development about recent developments in the NHS.
HSRC REPORT: This annex provides an overview of the main operating international social marketing organisations. It provides information about their locations, programme strategies, goals and expenditures.