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Review question This review evaluated the effects of centre-based day care for children younger than five years of age in low- and middle-income countries (as defined by the World Bank 2011). We considered the following outcomes: children’s cognitive and psychosocial development, prevalence and incidence of infectious diseases among them and the economic situation of parents…. Read more
This review considered possible scenarios for the health sector over the next three years and a range of associated options for future support from the Department for International Development (DFID). The review concludes the best option to be: provision of non-budget support financial aid for primary care. The report makes the following recommendations: DFID should… Read more
The importance of the Malawi Education Sector Reform Programme impact, improved learning outcomes manifested through enhanced quality education, lies at the centre of economic growth theory as well as education economics. Education economists treat expenditures on education as investment flows that build human capital, generating increased income and growth. Macroeconomists have demonstrated that sustainable long… Read more
Two years on from the 2011 HIV Position Paper, DFID is making substantial progress against its expected results. Treatment related commitments have already been achieved, and the remaining targets set out in the HIV position paper are largely on track to be met by 2015. A consultation was held to: understand available evidence and reflect… Read more
This report describes the Ugandan context and the educational context within. Under-funding, rapid expansion and inadequate management have led to low and declining education outcomes for girls and boys. DFID’s aim is to improve education for all children within DFID-supported schools, and reduce gender barriers to girls’ participation and achievement. Support from DFID can help:… Read more
This independent evaluation finds SAFANSI is well on track to achieve its purpose. Substantive outputs and outcomes are starting to emerge from the short period of its operations and it exhibits good principles of development effectiveness in its management and operations. Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) remain large problems in South Asia and are unlikely to… Read more
Positives to come out of the gender audit include: the national average gender parity index looks encouraging repetition rates and retention data show positive trends from a gender point of view textbooks used in Nepal’s schools are on the whole free from gender bias and avoid negative gender stereotypes the expanded girls’ scholarship scheme and… Read more
This report outlines 5 cases for education intervention in Gaza: The strategic case outlines the context and expected outcomes. The appraisal case looks at feasible options addressing the Strategic case, the evidence for each option, costs and benefits of options, and value for money. The commercial case outlines direct and indirect procurement requirements and issues…. Read more
The Health Authority of Anguilla (HAA) was established in 2004, transferring provision of services to a statutory authority, aiming to allow service managers to operate free of public service constraints. The sector review concludes that the HAA is not independent enough. The government exerts unnecessary and partisan influence through the board of management. The review… Read more
The report first provides an overview of the extent, causes and consequences of undernutrition. The report considers data on anthropometric status of women and children, the extent of micronutrient deficiencies and indicators of nutrition behaviour in Pakistan. This is followed by an overview of guiding principles of the two DFID nutrition strategy papers (2010, 2011),… Read more
The objective of this scoping mission is to assess and prioritise the most important English language training needs in South Sudan, in the period following independence. Interviews were carried out with ministries, funders, NGOs, private sector and other groups. The report recommends that DFID should focus on key areas of English language teaching (ELT), to… Read more