Valerie Percival is an Assistant Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. She leads the ReBUILD project ‘Building Back Better: Taking forward empirical research on the opportunities and constraints for building gender responsive health systems in post conflict contexts’. This is the focus of Valerie’s HEART talks video. The first issue for humanitarian focus… Read more
Ayesha de Costa is an associate professor of Global Health and Senior Lecturer at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. She begins this lecture by noting the increasing importance of emergency obstetric care (EmOC) which can only work if it is of a high quality. EmOC should be able to provide: injectable antibiotics, injectable anticonvulsants, injectable oxytocics,… Read more
In this video, Simon McGrath from University of Nottingham, discusses the importance of skills and Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET). Simon was the expert adviser for the DFID commissioned Skills Topic Guide, which focused on skills immediately necessary for employment and increased productivity. The guide explores the role of TVET skills, which are concerned… Read more
Mario Novelli is a professor of the Political Economy of Education at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Professor Novelli talks about a new rigorous literature review on the political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts of which he was the lead author. There has been an increased interest in political economy… Read more
Dr Tristan McCowan is a researcher at the Institute of Education, University College London. He was the expert adviser for the latest HEART topic guide on Higher Education. The topic guide looks at building the capacity of higher education (HE) systems and enabling structures in low-income countries. It also looks at how effective partnerships can… Read more
DfID is developing a framework for health systems strengthening. This roundtable discussion in June 2015 brought together HEART members to draw on their research findings to inform the framework. It was a response to an enquiry into DFID funded work to inform DFID programmes in a review. This HEART talks includes the presentations from three… Read more
This topic guide summarises some of the most rigorous available evidence on the key debates and challenges of disability inclusion in development and humanitarian response. Disability does not necessary imply limited wellbeing and poverty. Yet there is growing evidence that the estimated one billion people with disabilities face attitudinal, physical and institutional barriers that result in… Read more
This Topic Guide aims to answer the question ‘What is the interaction between social development issues and human development outcomes?’ An individual’s right to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living cannot be realised without addressing social development issues. This is because these issues determine… Read more
In recognition of the challenges of working effectively in conflict-affected and fragile situations, including insecurity, weak state capacity, difficult political environments and acute humanitarian crises, the OECD-DAC developed a series of Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations in April 2007 to complement the commitments set out in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. DFID has… Read more
Patrick Ward is the director of ORIE, the Operational Research and Impact Evaluation project for the DFID funded Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) programme. He starts this presentation by giving an overview of ORIE workstreams: operations research, impact evaluation, economic evaluation, cohort study of stunting, evidence dissemination & uptake, nutrition research capacity… Read more
Tim Martineau is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (HRM) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and leads a growing team working on health workforce issues. In this video, he talks about the Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States Working Group, a subgroup of Health Systems Global which is a society for… Read more