Tag: Asia
This newsletter presents brief summaries of several projects focusing on girls, gender sensitivity and early childhood development (ECD) from across Asian and Pacific nations. These projects include investigations of culture and gender in ECD, school transitions, access to ECD, and literacy. The gender sensitivity focus emphasises the benefits of quality ECD programmes for girls. The newsletter… Read more
This good practice guide focuses on the importance of cost sharing and partnerships with stakeholders in higher education, including with the private sector. The guide supports Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) education sector staff in their policy dialogue with governments and other stakeholders, and during project processing. The guide discusses the debate and evolution of cost… Read more
The report focuses on four areas: Quality (focusing on teacher training) This section discusses topics including the relationship between student performance and teacher characteristics, such as qualifications, teaching experience, and indicators of academic ability or subject-matter knowledge. Challenges to teaching quality include an overemphasis on education studies, methodology distant from classroom realities, weak teaching practice… Read more
This report reviews the impact of demand side school incentives programmes. It presents articles and case studies on: Cash (or in-kind) transfer programmes Vouchers Scholarships Operationalising incentive schemes Cash transfer programmes in Bangladesh showed evidence of being effective including that enrolment increased by 35% on average, attendance improved and female enrolment growth was almost twice… Read more
The report has sections on the following areas: Education and Fertility Education and Fertility in India and the Region Economic Returns to Women’s Education in India Education and Reproductive Health Initiatives Adolescent Reproductive Health Programmes In reviews of regional and global studies: Women with primary education tend to have higher fertility than women with secondary–plus… Read more
A rights-based, child-friendly school has two basic characteristics: It is a child-seeking and a child-centred school. Above all, it must reflect an environment of good quality characterised by several essential aspects: inclusive of children, effective for learning, healthy and protective of children, gender-sensitive and involved with children, families, and communities. This report includes a collection… Read more
The multiple ways in which water, sanitation, and hygiene education in schools (WASH in Schools) contributes toward education – including attendance, retention and learning – is fairly well documented. When children have access to clean and appropriate toilets, hand washing facilities, adequate and clean water they are healthier, are more likely to attend school regularly,… Read more
This response includes articles on education in Asia. Substantial evidence is lacking on the comparable effectiveness of non formal education versus formal primary schooling in terms of the learning achievements, employment opportunities and incomes of children who undertake either route. Development agencies report that a nine-month non formal programme raises children’s education to the same… Read more
HRC REPORT: This report provides a summary of notes from 7th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, Kobe, 2005.