Tag: developing countries
This paper brings structure to the discussion of private-sector engagement in nutrition by clarifying different models of engagement, reviews the evidence base on public-private partnerships (PPPs) for the reduction of undernutrition, and outlines some potential ways forward. The paper finds that there are few independent, rigorous assessments of the impact of commercial-sector engagement in nutrition…. Read more
This paper summarises the rigorous review, The role and impact of private schools in developing countries: A rigorous review of the evidence. The brief notes that arriving at general conclusions from the evidence reviewed is difficult because of the diversity of private schools, the significant gaps in the evidence and the fact that available research is… Read more
This paper summarises findings from the rigorous literature review, Early childhood development and cognitive development in developing countries. It provides an overview of key evidence to assist policy-makers and researchers in assessing the research in this field. Policy-makers should, of course, carefully consider their own specific context. Among the key findings are: 1) a large, high-quality evidence base shows… Read more
Despite a growing body of evidence on the role and impacts of private schooling, there is much less analysis of other types of non-state provider. The available literature focuses on philanthropic and religious providers, but is highly fragmented by provider and limited in geographic scope. Where evidence exists, it finds that philanthropic schools in particular… Read more
There is a global rise in the number of countries undertaking national learning assessments, as well as international and regional learning assessments. Much of this growth, especially in national learning assessments, has occurred in economically developing countries. However, little is known, on how these assessments affect education policy and practice in developing countries. This review… Read more
This publication reveals how “world-class” thinking and policy can help university leaders employ modern solutions to the challenges facing higher education today. The essays are grounded in empirical research and written to engage the reader, stimulate reflection and enhance performance. This book focuses especially on developing and middle-income countries, which face special problems where higher… Read more
This paper considers evidence for the effects of policies on gender gaps in education, distinguishing between policies that are ostensibly gender neutral and those that explicitly target girls. The demand for girls’ schooling is often more responsive than boys’ to gender neutral changes in school distance, price, and quality, patterns which can be explained in… Read more
The dramatic increase of low-income, low-skilled youth in labour markets is of concern particularly in developing countries. In some of these countries, young people are nearly three times as likely as adults to be unemployed. Youths are also more likely to work in the informal labour market than adults, in low quality jobs that offer… Read more
While the publication provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the factors linking poverty and disability, the chapter, ‘lifelong learning in education, training and skills development’ considers the lifelong learning that people with disabilities in developing countries need to escape poverty. These include both competencies and qualifications. People with disabilities require skills to reach their potential…. Read more
This study discusses the need for developing countries to improve economic productivity. It draws on lessons from successful country experiences with skills training to develop an approach to the development of public training policies. The authors suggest that improving the job skills of the work force in developing countries is necessary if they are to… Read more
Digital technologies provide opportunities for rural and remote populations. In the education context, digital technologies permit the development of adapted and diversified pedagogical models, with an economic approach aiming at more than just economies of scale. In many developing countries, needs often exceed resources. In these contexts, distance education provides many benefits. Digital technology can… Read more