Tag: Development
There are many evidence gaps in the delivery of humanitarian food/nutrition aid. Evaluation of the relative cost‐effectiveness of dietary response projects is confounded by the fact that different projects can have different objectives (USAID, 2015). Ethiopia has made progress in meeting emergency needs, including through the Government of Ethiopia-led Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), which… Read more
This paper investigates what works – and why- regarding capacity building. It draws on the experiences shared by capacity building practitioners through the INTRAC Praxis Programme over four years. This DGIS-supported programme encouraged capacity building practitioners to reflect on, learn from and disseminate their experiences in the field. This paper syntheses the learning from practitioners who… Read more
Many countries remain stuck in conditions of low productivity that many call “poverty traps.” Economic growth is only one aspect of development; another key dimension of development is the expansion of the administrative capability of the state, the capability of governments to affect the course of events by implementing policies and programs. In this paper,… Read more
This study explores the impact of the brain drain on a source country’s welfare and development, which can either be beneficial or harmful. The evidence suggests that there are many more losers than winners among developing countries. Whether a country gains or loses depends on country-specific factors, such as the level and composition of migration,… Read more
Rwanda’s national development strategy relies heavily on expanding access to higher education, largely due to an assumption that a university education encourages the ability to think critically about problems and to use evidence when making decisions. This study empirically investigated this assumption by administering a performance-task-based test of critical thinking, adapted for use in Rwanda,… Read more
Higher education is an important form of investment in human capital. In fact, it can be regarded as a high level or a specialised form of human capital, the contribution of which to economic growth is very significant. It is rightly regarded as the “engine of development in the new world economy” (Castells, 1994, p…. Read more
On July 16, 2015, I was lucky enough to find myself in the midst of an enthusiastic group of approximately 40 academics, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) representatives, and activists who had gathered at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge for the fourth and final (for now!) BAICE Forum on Education, Disability, and Development,… Read more
Since the Monterrey Conference of 2002, the development community – partner countries and donors alike – has been focusing on managing its work so as to achieve the maximum development results. This is not to say that development efforts never achieved results before 2002, but what is new is a shared understanding of the need… Read more
In this video Lawrence Haddad, Director of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), introduces the HEART Nutrition Topic Guide. The guide has been created in collaboration with MQSUN to inform policymakers and practitioners working in the nutrition sector on the latest key evidence. As Lawrence explains, undernutrition causes 3.1 million preventable maternal and child deaths… Read more
There is some evidence that Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) has increased women’s workforce participation. The majority of the literature on ECCD comes from an education viewpoint and is child-focussed. It notes that parent or family carers are more able to work or study due to childcare programmes. The point generally seems presumed and… Read more
There is some strong evidence in academic literature linking sport and development. There is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that sport-based programs improve the learning performance of children and youth, facilitating educational attainment and encouraging them to stay in school, and that sport-based programs in schools aid in the social development of young… Read more