Tag: Disability
The Dakar Framework for Action adopted a “World Declaration on Education for All (EFA)” in 2000, which affirmed the notion of education as a fundamental right and established the new millennium goal to provide every girl and boy with primary school education by 2015. EFA also clearly identified Inclusive Education as one of the key… Read more
Julia McGeown is the Inclusive Education Technical Advisor at Handicap International. In this interview, she talks about the recently published HEART Inclusive Learning Topic Guide. Julia’s work involves overseeing education projects in around 20 countries around the world. Working alongside Dr Susie Miles, Julia used her expertise to assist with the drafting of the Topic… Read more
Using World Health Survey (WHS) quantitative data, this study investigates the economic status of persons with disabilities in 15 developing countries, presenting a snapshot picture of several indicators of economic well-being and poverty across disability status. It has seven main findings. 1. Disability is significantly associated with higher multidimensional poverty in most of the developing… Read more
This article examines the role networking has played, at local and national levels, in facilitating communication between key actors involved in challenging the marginalisation of disabled people from education and from wider Bangladeshi society. Efforts to promote awareness of the importance of including disabled children in their local schools have gained ground at national level… Read more
This paper estimates wage returns to investment in education for persons with disabilities in Nepal, using information on the timing of being impaired during school-age years as identifying instrumental variables for years of schooling. They combine primary data with nationally representative survey data from the Nepal Living Standard Survey 2003/2004 (NLSS II). The estimated rate… Read more
This article argues that the exclusion of disabled people from international development organizations and research reflects and reinforces the disproportionately high representation of disabled people among the poorest of the poor. The paper commences with a brief exploration of the links between impairment, disability, poverty, and chronic poverty, followed by a discussion of ways in… Read more
The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by WHO and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability. People with disabilities have generally poorer health, lower education achievements, fewer economic opportunities and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities. This is largely due to… Read more
Research understanding the lives of children with disabilities in low-income and middle-income countries has predominantly focused on prevalence studies with little progress on evidence-based service development. At the same time, global attention in child health has shifted from child survival strategies to those that bring child survival and development together. This review examines whether intervention… Read more
This study attempts to bring attention to the situation of people with disabilities in the developing world by focusing on the labour market of Nepal. Utilizing a unique dataset collected from people with hearing, physical, and visual impairments through questionnaire-based interview methods, it compares across employment based on type of impairment and education levels to… Read more
This literature review outlines an analysis of 14 household surveys from 13 developing countries suggests that 1–2 percent of the population have disabilities. Adults with disabilities typically live in poorer than average households. Much of the association appears to reflect lower educational attainment among adults with disabilities. Analysis of these datasets provides little evidence to… Read more
This paper presents evidence from a school-based survey in four districts in the north of Zimbabwe of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, barriers, concerns and daily practices related to disability and inclusive education. The findings highlighted a need for further specific training in special educational needs and inclusive education by teachers or head teachers to improve… Read more