Tag: Disability
This is an exploratory study suggesting ways of analysing challenges for developing countries in the move to greater inclusion of disabled children and young people in learning. It uses a literature review to focus on pedagogical challenges to realising more inclusive education. Pedagogy encompasses not only the practice of teaching and learning, but also the… Read more
This literature review asks whether a national survey of disability prevalence is the best starting point when promoting the educational inclusion of disabled children in low and middle-income countries. It is unlikely that most disabled children have complex and potentially very costly specific educational requirements. Many children have moderate impairments that, where a specific response… Read more
Document Summary: The concept of inclusive education as a twin-track approach is important. The approach can improve the quality of education for all yet also provide specialised support where needed for children with disabilities. Every teacher needs to learn about inclusive education, from day one of their training. This should be achieved by embedding inclusion,… Read more
It was difficult to find research where effectiveness in terms of attainment was reported. The goal of inclusive education often seems to be inclusion itself or attendance rather than completion or graded learning outcomes. Outcomes of inclusive education are often illusive and difficult to measure. The World Bank suggest that tests of content knowledge provide… Read more
This Guidance Note provides information on how to improve educational access and quality for children with disabilities. It gives an overview of the global context, provides best practice case studies and clearly signposts practical tools and resources. It is in three sections: Background information: a synthesis of information relating to educating children with disabilities which… Read more