Tag: Early learning
Recently, there have been publications of many reports and research findings which demonstrate robust linkages between early childhood programmes and improving the well-being and development of a child. This document emphasises the urgent need for investment in such programmes. These investments will ensure for improved health, nutrition, education, as well as acknowledgement of child rights… Read more
This paper discusses (a) the role of cognitive and noncognitive ability in shaping adult outcomes, (b) the early emergence of differentials in abilities between children of advantaged families and children of disadvantaged families, (c) the role of families in creating these abilities, (d) adverse trends in American families, and (e) the effectiveness of early interventions… Read more
Early Childhood in Focus is a toolkit for child rights advocates. By setting out clear messages emerging from academic research, it serves to inform, encourage, and provide leverage for successful rights-based policy advocacy on behalf of young children. This second issue deals with the global challenges of education for all, especially for the youngest children…. Read more
The High/Scope Perry Preschool study is a scientific experiment that has identified both the short- and long-term effects of a high- quality preschool education program for young children living in poverty. From 1962 through 1967, David Weikart and his colleagues in the Ypsilanti, Michigan, school district operated the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program for young children… Read more
This Working Paper is part of the Transitions in Early Childhood series, published by the Bernard van Leer Foundation and based on data from Young Lives, a 15 year longitudinal study of children growing up in poverty in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. In each country, the study tracks approximately 2000 children from infancy to… Read more
By the time most kids start preschool, aged around 3, the most important building blocks for learning have already been put in place. That’s why this edition of Early Childhood Matters, entitled Learning Begins Early, focuses on learning from birth to 3 years old. Articles examine how children learn in their first three years and… Read more