Tag: education for all
To ensure the rhetoric of leaving no one behind becomes a reality, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give rise to an important practical question: how can we monitor progress to ensure we know if we have been successful? As our new DFID-funded paper for HEART shows, it is vital that the commitment to leaving no… Read more
On July 16, 2015, I was lucky enough to find myself in the midst of an enthusiastic group of approximately 40 academics, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) representatives, and activists who had gathered at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge for the fourth and final (for now!) BAICE Forum on Education, Disability, and Development,… Read more
This paper informs debates about the potential role for low-fee private schooling in achieving Education for All goals in India. It reports Young Lives’ longitudinal data for two cohorts (2906 children) in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Eight year olds uptake of private schooling increased from 24 per cent (children born in 1994–5) to 44 per… Read more
In the third in a series of blogs from the UN General Assembly Steve Lewis reports from the New York launch of Genesis, the world famous photography exhibition. As I entered the International Centre of Photography I was blown away by the powerful black and white photographs of the natural world, taken by the Brazilian… Read more
This review shows that there is evidence that girls, poor and vulnerable children stay in school longer if they are taught first in their mother tongue. Fifty percent of the world’s out-of-school children live in communities where the language of schooling is rarely, if ever, used at home. The language used in schools, is one… Read more