Tag: education technology
Based on the lessons that emerged from the UN Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All movement 2000–2015, there is now a global consensus that universal school enrolment is necessary but not sufficient for children to learn. This report captures what might be learnt from a selection of the world’s most interesting examples of technology-assisted in-service professional development in lower-income countries… Read more
This Second-Stage Report follows an initial scoping study (the ‘Inception Report’) and is intended to provide the Department for International Development (DFID) with support for the 2018 launch of its Education Technology Hub for Research and Innovation. This report seeks to provide actionable understanding of the EdTech ‘landscape’ in seven focal countries: Bangladesh, India, Jordan,… Read more
This report serves as a user guide for a mapping exercise of research on the use of technology in low-resource environments. It should be read in conjunction with the map itself: an excel sheet titled ‘Education technology evidence database’. The map and user guide are intended to be resources for all those in the sector… Read more
This series of case studies produced by HEART for the UK Department for International Development. Programme experts were consulted in the process through email and phone interviews. Any views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of DFID or HEART. Each case study contains four sections – the challenge, the impact, research and stakeholders. Case… Read more
This report seeks to understand how education technology solutions can be better designed to serve the needs of stakeholders in Affordable Private Schools (APS) in India. APS provide a low-cost private education to communities in India and throughout the developing world. The report’s research explores the trends and opportunities of education technology (ed-tech) in APS,… Read more