Tag: Employability
This paper sets out the key lessons from the ‘Qualitative Evaluation of Demand-led Skill Solutions’ in relation to employer investment and engagement in the design and development of skills solutions. Key findings include: There has been a shift from employer engagement being about asking key employers ‘what do you want?’ to asking them ‘what can… Read more
This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. It examines the role of employment service providers in skills anticipation and matching, and aims to support transition and developing countries in establishing and strengthening the role of these providers. It identifies outstanding initiatives and good practices… Read more
New technologies, globalization, the information revolution, and labor market changes have affected the world economy on an unprecedented scale. As a consequence, the demand for a skilled workforce has increased, world trade and migration have intensified, and the divide between the haves and have‐nots has vastly widened. While many developed countries have by now gone… Read more
This review presents pre-employment and enterprise training funds from over sixty countries. The characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each are presented. Key design questions are discussed and examples of good practice illustrated. National training funds are increasingly used to finance training. This paper presents a typology of three main types of training funds by purpose:… Read more
The objective of this ebook is to critically engage with South Africa’s current skills development strategy and to analyse the prospects for a successful upskilling of the population. It contains chapters written by leading South African academics. It also includes content from skillsformation systems experts. This ebook attempts to examine what is understood by the… Read more
The focus of this report is human development and skills development in West Bengal, in the context of economic growth. The current status of skills development are presented, along with potential ways align the production of skills and economic growth needs. Characteristics of the technical and vocational education and training system that produces skills are… Read more