Tag: evaluation
This is an Evaluation of DFID’s 2012-17 grant to WHO-NTD, the Geneva-based headquarters of the WHO’s fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). In a pioneering approach, a key element of DFID’s grant was to fund three staff positions within WHO-NTD: a health economist, a logistician and a programme epidemiologist. Unusually DFID also provided specific support to… Read more
The Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Programme (MNH Programme) in Kenya aims to reduce delays in mothers and newborns receiving good maternity care. The three main problems the programme seeks to address are: 1) delay in decision to seek care; 2) delay in reaching care; and 3) delay in receiving care. The midterm evaluation… Read more
The Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Kenya programme supports a range of interventions to improve maternal and neonatal health (MNH) including training of health workers, health systems strengthening, community mobilisation, and demand generation. It is implemented in six counties with different sociodemographic contexts. A formal evaluation has been contracted with four components: 1)… Read more
This paper investigates what works – and why- regarding capacity building. It draws on the experiences shared by capacity building practitioners through the INTRAC Praxis Programme over four years. This DGIS-supported programme encouraged capacity building practitioners to reflect on, learn from and disseminate their experiences in the field. This paper syntheses the learning from practitioners who… Read more
This spring, when my team from the Ebola Response Anthropology Platform evaluated Community-Based Ebola Care Centres (CCCs) in Sierra Leone, one thing we constantly heard complaints about was human-resource management. Residents of the communities where the Centres were located grumbled about favouritism: well-paying jobs in the Centres were given to friends and family of the… Read more
Grade retention has been the de facto policy for children with academic difficulties in many Latin American countries [Schiefelbein, E., & Wolff, L. (1992). Repetition and inadequate achievement in Latin America’s primary schools: a review of magnitudes, causes, relationships, and strategies. Washington, DC: World Bank.]. In Costa Rica, 14.9% of public school children were retained in first grade in 2002…. Read more
The girls education project 3 (GEP3) in Nigeria aims to get more girls to complete basic education. Recommendations based on this evaluation include: To increase parental demand for and support to girls’ education: Write a conditional cash transfer strategy strategy for design and scale-up of scheme. Establish clearer attribution of enrolment increases via analysis of… Read more
There are a number of community accountability mechanisms in health interventions. These range from community health committees which aim to represent the community in planning, monitoring and evaluating health services to those in which community members are actively involved in the delivery of health services as volunteers or community health workers. Other models of community… Read more
This paper includes an annotated bibliography showing key resources including those assessing different types of accountability systems, analysis of improved schools and what makes schools successful. The section is also divided into performance accountability, professional accountability and market accountability. There are additional sections on impact and evaluation of initiatives which outlines key areas such as… Read more
PRRINN-MNCH (Programme for reviving routine immunisation in Northern Nigeria – maternal, newborn and child health) is a six-year health programme working across four states in Northern Nigeria. The evaluation team conducted site visits to health facilities and medical stores and met with government officials, midwives, community health workers, primary beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Key findings… Read more