Tag: Financing
The Cost of Water Project supports the effective planning and sustainable management of water supply systems in refugee camps and settlements. Launched in 2014 by the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Unit in DPSM’s Public Health Section in partnership with IRC, the project measures the overall costs of providing effective water systems in a variety… Read more
The growth and increasing popularity of ‘low-fee’ private schooling across many parts of India has attracted much research and policy attention. This paper broadens the discussion by drawing attention to the increasing heterogeneity of the educational landscape in many communities. Our specific focus is on the consequences for school choices made by households across rural… Read more
This edition of Early Childhood Matters looks at the question of how to scale up early learning provision without sacrificing quality. Articles consider lessons that can be learned from national-level experiences in South Africa, Kenya, the US, the UK, Macedonia, Cuba, Chile and Peru, as well as examining lessons at an organisational level with input… Read more
This report looks at several examples of programmes using local block grants in education. Section 2 covers Direct Support to Schools (DSS) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique and includes information on the objectives and the results. Section 3 includes information on Educational Block Grants to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Tanzania and Uganda. … Read more
The public versus private provision of education debate is the backdrop for enquiries such as this. Experts differ drastically in their approach to the potential role for the private sector – whether as ‘conduit’ and peripheral, or as legitimate and key provider. Overall, issues of equity and quality lie at the heart of the debate… Read more
Information on pro-poor health policies does not fit neatly into mutually exclusive categories and many of the themes overlap. For example, universal coverage interventions such as abolishing user fees were often discussed as pro-poor targeting. Universal targeting can appear to be targeting the poor but it may be that the less poor are paying for… Read more
HLSP REPORT:This paper aims to provide an overview of the debates about how much is needed to achieve the health MDGs, how such funds might be raised, and some of the implications of scaling up, with a particular focus on the potential impact on macroeconomic stability.
HRC REPORT: This report considers if user fees for health services should be removed and reviews the experiences of countries that have gone down this route. It also provides an overview of the history of ‘user fee’ implementation in Sub-saharan Africa, and analyses the effect of ‘user fee’ charges using a ‘business model’ framework.
HSRC REPORT: This report provides an overview of the past 25 years at the shifting support for user fees in health and education, and reflections on the future.
HSRC REPORT: A Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF) is a multi-year public expenditure planning exercise that is used to set out the future budget requirements for existing services, and to assess the resource implications of future policy changes and any new programmes. This paper describes the role and value of an MTEF, and how it… Read more