Tag: Gender
This paper informs debates about the potential role for low-fee private schooling in achieving Education for All goals in India. It reports Young Lives’ longitudinal data for two cohorts (2906 children) in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Eight year olds uptake of private schooling increased from 24 per cent (children born in 1994–5) to 44 per… Read more
This brief focuses on the gender issues in the services provided for children who are three years of age or older in the Asia-Pacific region. It starts by looking into the growth of early childhood care and education (ECCE) in the region and what is driving its growth. It explores why gender responsiveness is important… Read more
Findings on health and nutrition management of protracted population displacement include: A synthesis of food assistance programme evaluations finds unacceptably high numbers of refugees were food-insecure, women more so than men. A review of nutrition indicators evaluating performance of nutrition programmes in more than 90 camps in 18 countries found supplementary and therapeutic feeding programmes… Read more
There is a strong association between higher age at marriage and higher education levels. A global analysis of data by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) found that girls’ education is ‘the most important factor associated with child marriage’. Another study determined that in 29 countries, women who married at the age of 18 or… Read more
Ethiopia is unusual within the region in having very low levels of sex before marriage. According to the 2005 DHS well over 90% of single women are virgins. Ensuring the health of adolescent girls is vital to the nation. Ethiopia has made progress in improving youth’s health; yet, young women still suffer high rates of… Read more
There is some evidence that Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) has increased women’s workforce participation. The majority of the literature on ECCD comes from an education viewpoint and is child-focussed. It notes that parent or family carers are more able to work or study due to childcare programmes. The point generally seems presumed and… Read more
The literature on vocational training discusses practices in both the formal and informal sectors and from both government and non-government providers. One best practice common to all of these emerges. It is fundamental that the objectives and outputs of training systems meet a country’s economic and social requirements. Vocational education must deliver skills for existing… Read more