Tag: Ghana
This is the 2014 annual review of DFID’s £17M Ghana Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) programme (2013 – 2017). It is the second annual review of the programme and covers the period from January to December 2014. The ARH programme is working to improve reproductive health knowledge and behaviour for up to 350,000 adolescents and strengthen… Read more
The informal sector of Sub-Saharan Africa is comprised of small and household enterprises that operate in the non-farm sector outside the protected employment of the formal wage sector. The sector was identified 40 years ago by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) representing a pool of surplus labour that was expected to be absorbed by future… Read more
This book examines the impact of education on the lives and livelihoods of people in developing countries, particularly those living in poorer areas and from poorer households. The chapter titled, ‘skill acquisition and its impact upon lives and livelihoods in Ghana, India and Pakistan’, outlines the different national contexts of skills development in these countries. It assesses… Read more
An interrogation under way is whether policies for widening participation in sub-Saharan Africa are working. That was one of the key questions addressed by the research project Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania: Developing an Equity Scorecard. Research teams—at the Universities of Sussex, UK; Cape Coast, Ghana; and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania—found… Read more
This review considered possible scenarios for the health sector over the next three years and a range of associated options for future support from the Department for International Development (DFID). The review concludes the best option to be: provision of non-budget support financial aid for primary care. The report makes the following recommendations: DFID should… Read more
The Health and Education Advice and Resource Team (HEART) was contracted to undertake the first Annual Programme Review (APR) of the DFID-funded Ghana Malaria Prevention, Diagnosis and Data Programme. This review was undertaken between 24 July and 20 August 2014 by a team of two external consultants. The Review Terms of Reference (TOR) posed questions… Read more
In large parts of the world, a lack of home tap water burdens households as the water must be brought to the house from outside, at great expense in terms of effort and time This paper studies how such costs affect girls’ schooling in Ghana, with an analysis based on four rounds of the Demographic… Read more
This paper reports on a study that examined teachers’ concerns and attitude toward inclusive education of students with disabilities in Ghana. A 20 item Attitudes Toward Inclusion in Africa Scale (ATIAS) was completed by 100 teachers from five ‘Inclusive Project’ schools and five Non-Project coeducational basic schools in three different localities; central business, coastal and… Read more
This short Lessons Learned paper was requested as part of the Project completion Review process of DFID’s Support to the Education Strategic Plan 2006-2013. The education sector looks very different in 2013 from how it did in 2006. The major changes are: over 3 million more children enrolled in basic education (a 70% increase) over… Read more
The School for Life (SfL) is an NGO in Northern Ghana running a ‘Literacy for Life Change’ programme. It targets out of school children, between the ages of 8 and 14, and, through an intensive nine-month programme, gives them adequate basic literacy and numeracy skills to enable them to integrate into formal primary schools. The… Read more
Overall the DFID support plan has provided a significant contribution to progress on Ghana’s Education Sector Plan. Output results have been mixed, and specific targets in a number of cases narrowly missed. In summary the headlines are: Gross and Net enrolments have increased, though with the exception of Kindergarten not as much as was expected. Similarly… Read more