Tag: governance
The last decade has witnessed renewed interest in the social benefits of higher education, with recent research suggesting that universities have a role in nurturing developmental leaders who enable positive change and better governance in low-income and conflict-affected countries (Brannelly et al, 2011b). This review summarises available evidence on the relationship between higher education, developmental… Read more
This rapid review is based on 5 days of desk-based research. It is designed to provide a brief overview of the key issues, and a summary of pertinent evidence found within the time permitted. The literature was identified using two methods. Firstly, a number of experts were identified and contacted. They were asked to provide… Read more
There are many reasons why education is important, this report focuses on its contribution to economic growth and outcomes. Education ‘can be defined as the stock of skills, competencies, and other productivity-enhancing characteristics’ (WEF 2016). In general, education—as a critical component of a country’s human capital—increases the efficiency of each individual worker and helps economies… Read more
Financing for social protection often comes from government funds. Any way of expanding fiscal space could therefore be useful with the political will for prioritisation (UNESCP, 2016). Egypt created an Economic Justice Unit in the Ministry of Finance to review expenditure priorities, and Costa Rica and Thailand shifted military spending to finance universal health services… Read more
Social protection is increasingly recognised as a key route to reducing children’s poverty and vulnerability. It is assumed to have direct or indirect effects on specific challenges that children face, such as child labour. Child labour is not often included as a main aim of social protection, and therefore is not commonly tracked systematically (de… Read more
Education in fragile and conflict affected states has begun to attract considerable international attention as a result of security and governance concerns. Consequently the policies and approaches adopted by donors engaging in fragile and conflict affected states emphasise the importance of developing institutions, working with civil society, and addressing inequality; without undermining the legitimacy of… Read more
Although there is an increasing demand for higher education in the Southern Africa region, levels of higher education provision and enrolment rates in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries are amongst the lowest in the world. While the SADC region’s tertiary enrolment was on par with other parts of the world in the 1970s,… Read more
Dr Chris Osa is the Head of the Nutrition Division at the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria. In this video, he discusses the Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) project from the perspective of the Nigerian Government. According to Dr Osa, WINNN has had a significant impact on nutrition in Northern Nigeria… Read more
Dr Ibrahim Oloriegbe is the Chief of Party/National Programme Manager for the Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) project in Abuja, Nigeria. He is responsible for the overall leadership, management and coordination of the project. In this video, Dr Oloriegbe discusses the WINNN project, including the purpose, impact, outcome, and outputs of this… Read more
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has exposed the limits of the current approach to the global governance of infectious diseases, which mixes public health and security interests. International efforts to strengthen ‘health security’ quickly faltered when confronted with weak national health systems. Costly attempts by Western governments to strengthen global health security by developing… Read more
This report attempts to provide a situational analysis of the current social economic and political status of people with disabilities within Uganda, by drawing upon material gathered during key informant interviews and focus groups discussions with key stakeholders within the disability sector. In addition, reference has been made to existing international and country specific research… Read more