Tag: Health Services
Improving maternal and newborn health in low-income settings requires both health service and community action. Previous community initiatives have been predominantly rural, but India is urbanising. While working to improve health service quality, we tested an intervention in which urban slum-dweller women’s groups worked to improve local perinatal health. Facilitating urban community groups was feasible, and… Read more
In Bangladesh, the health risks of unplanned urbanisation are disproportionately shouldered by the urban poor. Key findings of the paper include: unlike rural areas, organised systems of primary care provision are lacking in urban Bangladesh, and apart from limited services through non-government organisation, is altogether absent in urban slums; informal private-for-profit providers have strategically filled… Read more
The world is becoming increasingly urbanised. Over one third of urban dwellers now reside in low-income urban settlements, where living conditions are often inadequate and there are multiple barriers to access to health services for women and girls. Based on six case studies and a thematic review examining women’s and girls’ access to health in low-income… Read more
This review shows that there is evidence of an association between child health outcomes and parents’ education. This relationship is particularly pronounced when considering the impact of maternal education. Section 2 presents some key papers showing this relationship, including one recent paper arguing that of the 8·2 million fewer deaths in children under 5 between… Read more
Information on pro-poor health policies does not fit neatly into mutually exclusive categories and many of the themes overlap. For example, universal coverage interventions such as abolishing user fees were often discussed as pro-poor targeting. Universal targeting can appear to be targeting the poor but it may be that the less poor are paying for… Read more
HLSP REPORT: HLSP’s six-monthly review of current debates, events and publications.
HRC REPORT: This report reviews the health care context of St. Helena and suggests a number of methods of improving delivery, including: the use of telemedicine; making formal arrangements for travel and accomodation; and exploring government and health insurance.
HRC REPORT: Technical Assistance (TA) is understood to be the transfer, adaptation, mobilisation and utilisation of services, skills, knowledge and technology. The following report describes several forms of TA pooling arrangements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, draws from lessons learned and provides a short analysis of current trends in pooling TA.
HSRC REPORT: This case study provides details of a partnership that emerged in Georgia following the initiation of health sector reforms in 1995. It focuses on describing the details of how and why the public purchaser contracted a non-governmental provider to deliver a set of health services in Georgia.
HSRC REPORT: This paper reviews the six main approaches to demand-side projects and programmes, including the need to change user behaviour to improve health outcomes. The report also examines the different understandings of ‘demand side’ in various literatures, in operational and policy perspectives and in international agencies. It maps out the different ways in which… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This paper reviews experiences of social agencies contracting with the private sector to provide health care services, and focuses on the capacity of this mechanism to improve access to services by the poor.