Tag: health systems
Rosemary Morgan is a Research Fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In this HEART talks video, she talks about the project she works on, ‘Research in Gender and Ethics (RinGs): Building Stronger Health Systems’, and about the importance of making gender integral in health systems research. RinGs came about as a project… Read more
In a group interview Sarah Ssali (Makerere University), Sally Theobald (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine), Rosemary Morgan (John Hopkins University) and Asha George (John Hopkins University) talk about essential gender issues in relation to health systems. They also promote the RinGs Initiative (Research in Gender and Ethics) and talk about how people can get involved…. Read more
Everyone who was at the Durban AIDS conference in 2000 remembers the moment we learnt of effective medications for HIV. Some of us were too scared to believe it. But it turned out to be true and what unfolded was relatively straightforward. Life rapidly changed for people with the virus who were able access treatment…. Read more
While gender and ethics are taken into account as cross-cutting issues in many international development programmes, to date there has been very limited attention to gender in health systems. Often there is no disaggregation of data by sex and many terms such as community health workers and village health committees are gender neutral, when the… Read more
In the wake of recent epidemics, and amidst growing threats from emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, building systems that can prepare and respond effectively is a vital imperative to safeguard the health and well-being of local, national and global populations. Yet such systems cannot rely on bio-medical, public health and humanitarian science and action alone. The… Read more
Attention to the negative effects of structural barriers on HIV efforts is increasing. Reviewing national legal and policy environments with attention to the international human rights commitments of states is a means of assessing and providing focus for addressing these barriers to effective HIV responses. Recognition of the harms inherent in laws that constitute structural… Read more
The world’s population is ageing rapidly, with the over-60 population growing fastest. Since 2000, there have been more people aged 60 or over than children under 5. A rapidly ageing population presents large and unique challenges. This briefing discusses the results of pilot healthcare programmes in four countries, Cambodia, Mozambique, Peru and Tanzania. The findings… Read more
The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) is an international independently governed collaboration situated in the Health Systems and Innovation cluster at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) headquarters in Geneva. Its overarching goal is to improve the health sectors of low and middle-income countries (LMICs) through the promotion and use of empirical health… Read more
This publication is about 24 developing countries that have embarked on the long journey toward universal health coverage (UHC) following a bottom-up approach, with a special focus on the poor and vulnerable. The publication documents and analyses the experiences of these countries based on a systematic data collection effort that sought to capture in great… Read more
Mozambique health system reconstruction supports the conclusion that the reconstruction of health systems is mainly “gender blind”. Policy-makers in Mozambique have not adequately considered the role of gender in contributing to health or addressed women’s and men’s different health needs. Despite government commitment to gender mainstreaming, the health system is far from gender equitable. Donors… Read more
This case study highlights that despite the challenges in integrating gender equity concerns into the health system in Timor-Leste, overall, the reform of the health system since conflict ended has benefited women’s health. In some areas, Timor-Leste has achieved some key targets, for example the proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker and… Read more