Tag: Higher Education
This paper analyzes a relatively neglected facet of the complex debate regarding human capital – higher (or tertiary) education. It addresses five broad questions examining higher education in developing countries. One, are the economic effects of higher education on developing countries different from those in industrialized countries, with its links with labor markets of lesser… Read more
This report seeks to analyse the staffing needs of various universities that are members of the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA). The purpose is to ascertain the extent of the problem in these institutions, examine their ability to develop the next generation of academics as a means of forestalling the decline and proffer… Read more
While national rankings of universities have existed for some decades, in recent years the phenomenon of the global rankings of universities has come into prominence. The Times Higher Education-Quacquarelli Symonds (THE-QS) ‘World University Rankings’ and the Shanghai Jiao Tong Institute of Higher Education’s (SJTIHE) ‘Academic Ranking of World Universities’ are the best known of such… Read more
This short policy paper provides an overview of the multiple roles an HE system can play in a knowledge society and economy. It highlights the key role of creating and sustaining high-skill ecosystems (HSEs). It then examines the dramatic expansion of HE in the UK, and the issues that, in preparing its workforce for the… Read more
This report explores the challenge of massification of higher education, and the accommodation of the growth in student numbers in an existing higher education system. It highlights supply side trends and issues, including distance learning and Open Universities, as well as short cycle programmes. It also examines the trends and isssues of the demand side including, amongst… Read more
Although there is an increasing demand for higher education in the Southern Africa region, levels of higher education provision and enrolment rates in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries are amongst the lowest in the world. While the SADC region’s tertiary enrolment was on par with other parts of the world in the 1970s,… Read more
New technologies, globalization, the information revolution, and labor market changes have affected the world economy on an unprecedented scale. As a consequence, the demand for a skilled workforce has increased, world trade and migration have intensified, and the divide between the haves and have‐nots has vastly widened. While many developed countries have by now gone… Read more
In the context of globalisation and the knowledge economy, there has been a dramatic change in the attitudes of powerful international organisations and governments on the importance of higher education in developing countries, which is now perceived to be central to socio-political and economic development. At the same time, the formidable obstacles to the development of robust and high… Read more
This paper is about capacity development in higher education institutions (HEI) in developing countries. The paper reviews literature in three relevant knowledge domains: capacity building, organizational change and development, and higher education institutions (HEI). The paper also describes and illustrates the needs for increased performance of HEI in developing countries, and presents an integrated framework indicating concepts and relationships relevant… Read more
This article explores how literacy research is currently being positioned to address the political imperatives of the day, focusing on debates relating to the teaching of grammar. It takes the international debate about the value of grammar teaching as the context for exploring prevailing ambiguities and tensions in literacy research, arguing a particular view of… Read more
This Declaration emphasises the need for higher education to be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit, with no on discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, language, religion or economic, cultural or social distinctions, or physical disabilities. It establishes principles, and ways of preparing higher education of the tasks that await it in the twenty-first century, despite different national and regional… Read more