Tag: Higher Education
This paper is based on a study that set out to examine sustainable gender equity interventions in selected public universities in Kenya. The study, guided by the feminist critical policy analysis perspective following Bensimon and Marshall (1997), focused on interventions related to access to university education by women, curriculum transformation (inclusion), university environment (climate) and staff… Read more
Access to higher education in Brazil is to a large extent restricted to the higher socio-economic groups. Public universities have limited places and entry is determined by highly competitive exams, thereby excluding those who have not had a high quality secondary education or attended an expensive preparatory course. There has been considerable growth in the… Read more
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have taken the world of higher education by storm. Ubiquitous use of tablets and smartphones, rapid increase of broadband penetration, and the coming-of-college-age of the ‘digital native’ generation have led many top universities to offer some of their courses to a wider audience online, free of charge. Millions of students… Read more
This report, focusing on world-class universities, examines the power of tertiary education for development from the perspective of excellence in research and scholarship at its most competitive levels. The report explores the emerging power of league tables and rankings in driving the tertiary education policy debates worldwide, and how these expand the perceptions of governments and university stakeholders of… Read more
This book takes an informed and critical look at issues and trends in global higher education over the past twenty five years with an in-depth and often personal account of how these links were managed and led. Ten experts representing a variety of disciplines from areas such as conserving the natural environment, the promotion of human… Read more
The article illustrates how the South Africa–Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD), a doctoral research preparation programme for candidates on the African continent, evolved from an aid programme to an exemplary model of innovation, namely SANTRUST, an ownership-driven partnership within the framework of internationalization. This model of innovation includes a programme with a… Read more
The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (Partnership) was a ten-year funder collaborative that sought to strengthen higher education in Africa. The Partnership focused its support on universities in nine countries: Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. In ten years, the Partnership specifically, Increased spotlight on the importance of higher education in… Read more
This study highlights factors that influence the sustainability of international co-operation programmes in higher education, specifically of those programmes that deal with inter-institutional collaborations. In the first chapter of this book, the factors that influence the chances for sustainability of programme and project results are discussed and analysed based on the experiences of various international co-operative programmes…. Read more
This chapter looks at how the engagement of civil society organizations with the world of higher education has resulted in interesting trends in social policy formation and knowledge production. Illustrated through examples of effective engagement between higher education institutions and social and human development efforts of civil society – PRIA in Asia and The Afrikan… Read more
This Guide aims to bridge the lack of knowledge and data about the scope, nature and depth of UK-Africa partnerships in Higher and Further Education. It reflects discussions with individuals involved in such partnerships and their valuable insights; the findings from a survey conducted in 2008; reviews of the literature on partnerships in education; and desk research…. Read more
This paper calls attention to challenges developing nations face as they seek to strengthen universities, and their ability to contribute to social and economic development. Two issues in particular are addressed in this chapter. First, developing nations face a monumental challenge in raising adequate funds for expanding the size, scope, and quality of their universities. Overcoming this… Read more