Tag: ICT
Increasing access to education and skills development through technology, particularly for ‘21st century skills,’ can offer opportunities for displaced youth. Alternately, not investing in, and encouraging, new and innovative ways of delivering training, skills and education will result in many youth falling further behind. The gap between those who can contribute to the economy and… Read more
This series of case studies produced by HEART for the UK Department for International Development. Programme experts were consulted in the process through email and phone interviews. Any views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of DFID or HEART. Each case study contains four sections – the challenge, the impact, research and stakeholders. Case… Read more
This report explores the evidence that online education programmes/tools/apps lead to measurable gains in learning. The strongest evidence comes from a randomised control trial in Malawi. The research reports on a maths tablet intervention that shows significant effects when analysing pre- and post-test data. Another experiment reported in a journal looked at self-organised learning systems… Read more
Our earlier studies on Ugandan children surviving cerebral malaria showed cognitive deficits mainly in attention and memory. We now present the first study in sub-Saharan Africa to investigate the feasibility and potential benefits of computerized cognitive rehabilitation training on neuropsychological and behavioural functioning of children surviving cerebral malaria. A randomized trial in which 65 children… Read more
In “Learning Begins Early” issue of Early Childhood Matters, CCT researchers Dr. Harouna Ba and Loulou Bangura discuss the potential of mobile phone technology to enhance the effectiveness of home-visiting programs in improving early learning among very young children. Pages 59–60.
This report seeks to understand how education technology solutions can be better designed to serve the needs of stakeholders in Affordable Private Schools (APS) in India. APS provide a low-cost private education to communities in India and throughout the developing world. The report’s research explores the trends and opportunities of education technology (ed-tech) in APS,… Read more
Between 1998 and 2005 a suite of ICT-based interventions to help the Government of Guinea address its three main educational issues—increasing the number of teachers, increasing teacher quality, and improving instructional quality, particularly in rural areas of Guinea and for girls. The three interventions are discussed in this document: Classroom-based interactive radio instruction (Sous le… Read more
This publication is a guide to the type of technology modes, education models, and instructional methods used for teacher pre-service and in-service distance learning across the globe. The information here is based on three primary sources. The first is Education Development Center (EDC)’s long history in the area of distance-based education internationally—particularly in the area… Read more
This chapter updates earlier information about interactive radio instruction over the past five years, and introduces two cases where IRI has had an impact in Africa in two ways not captured in the past. In Guinea, IRI has gone to scale on an unprecedented level in West Africa to reach students and teachers on a… Read more
This paper presents a comparison between South African and Chilean results on SITES (Second Information Technology in Education Study) 2006 study, aiming to show and discuss both disparities and similarities, and trying to explain them through an analysis of their ICT in Education policies and national contexts. Firstly, these policies and contexts portray national backgrounds… Read more
This case study investigated the relationship between policy and practice with regard to advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Ugandan teacher education. The qualitative study, conducted in 2008, focused on the experiences of six language teacher educators in an urban Primary Teachers’ College (PTC). The authors also drew on insights from an interview… Read more