Tag: Learning
A school’s success in promoting learning is often measured in terms of the examination results of the students. Value added measures are designed to account for the ability of a school’s intake to provide a fairer and more accurate indication of performance. They are being increasingly used to provide more accurate data about the quality… Read more
Late in 2015 I jointly posted with Dr. Abhijeet Singh of the Young Lives team in Oxford: Getting learning assessments right when money depends on it about a novel, national scale experiment that directly links financial aid for education to improvements in student learning outcomes. We outlined some of the risks, both statistical and political,… Read more
UNRWA has been integrating human rights, conflict resolution and tolerance (HRCRT) in its schools for more than 10 years. The HRCRT policy takes the definition of human rights education that was developed for the World Programme for Human Rights Education (HRE), which began in 2005. The World Programme for HRE has provided a framework for… Read more
This paper analyses the contribution of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to building 21st century skills and explores the value of tutoring and mentoring models, learner retention, learning technologies, and provision of language and subject matter support that best mediate higher level learning in fragile contexts. Variables such as sustainability, operability, equal access, cultural and linguistic… Read more
This working paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child defines the concept of “toxic stress”—what happens when children experience severe, prolonged adversity without adult support. It discusses how significant adversity early in life can alter a child’s capacity to learn and adapt to stressful situations, as well as how sensitive and responsive caregiving… Read more
As governments and donors focused on increasing access to education in the wake of the Millennium Development Goals, the issue of learning received comparatively little concerted attention. Some organisations working in countries where access was rapidly increasing took notice of the fact that, while rising enrollment rates were being celebrated, there was little evidence of… Read more
In 2000, at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, 164 governments agreed on the Dakar Framework for Action, Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments, launching an ambitious agenda to reach six wide-ranging education goals by 2015. This report provides a complete assessment of progress towards the Framework’s goals. Looking forward, the report also… Read more
This report focuses on skills and education. It examines how skills development programmes can be improved to boost young people’s opportunities for decent jobs and better lives. Many young people leave the education system without the necessary skills to find work and contribute to society. These education failures impact on economic growth and social cohesion…. Read more
The social policy of the Mexican Government is aimed to improve human development and wellbeing among Mexicans through the development of their capacities in health, education and nutrition, in order to promote equality and overcome poverty. Oportunidades is one of the core axes of Mexican policy, and in 2012 is benefiting 5.8 million families. Other… Read more
This paper explores the link between P. falciparum malaria– most malaria morbidity and mortality is due to the malignant Plasmodium falciparum -and primary education in terms of school performance on the macroeconomic level. Cross-country regression analysis shows that the relationship between school results (measured in terms of repetition and completion rates) and the P. falciparum… Read more
This report presents an analysis of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs and policies that affect young children in Colombia and recommendations to move forward. This report is part of a series of reports prepared by the World Bank using the SABER- ECD framework and includes analysis of early learning, health, nutrition and social and… Read more