Tag: Malawi
In low-income rural communities, access to early intervention and support services is restricted and resources needed to support children and families are limited. The aim of this study was to explore the role of local nonprofessional women, recruited as community home visitors (CHVs), to assist trained professionals in supporting parents with educating their child in… Read more
Eighty percent of the world’s disabled population live in low income countries, many of these in Africa. The World Health Organization has made early identification of children with disabilities a high priority, especially as early rehabilitation may reduce the impact of impairments. To identify these children and provide basic services, developmental milestones need to be… Read more
The purpose of this paper is to present findings from the evaluation of a pilot programme, Jesuit Commons: Higher Education at the Margins (JC:HEM), which initially provided higher education to refugees in Kakuma Camp, Kenya and Dzaleka Camp, Malawi; and to urban refugees in Amman, Jordan. The authors of this note review the progress made… Read more
Somatic changes including growth and development of the brain of a human being occur very early in life. Programmes that enhance early childhood development (ECD) therefore should be part of the national agenda. Cognizant of this fact, the Malawi Government together with development partners facilitated the establishment of community-based child care centres (CBCCs) which are… Read more
This rapid review identified a number of resources on primary education interventions in Malawi. Section 2 highlights literacy interventions. The Early Grade Reading Project (EGRP), funded by USAID, aims to strengthen teaching methodologies, develop appropriate learning materials, increase parental and communal support for reading, and improve the policy environment for reading. Evaluation of this project… Read more
This rapid review looks at the evidence on Early Childhood Development (ECD) models (including integrated approaches) in Malawi and in the Sub-Saharan African region, looking at the impact on child development and learning. Most of the evidence from Malawi focuses on Community Based Childcare Centres (CBCC) which are the main centre based model for ECD… Read more
This funding application describes the epidemiological situation and country context with regards to HIV/AIDS in Malawi. Urban HIV prevalence in adults is estimated at 17% while the rural prevalence is 9%. 46,000 HIV-related deaths are estimated to have occurred in 2012. In 2011, with support from the Global Fund, Malawi started implementation of its innovative… Read more
This report collates information from teachers, parents and children with albinism to produce a list of guidelines which are inexpensive and easy to implement. Early identification and appropriate support are essential. There is a common misconception that albinism is progressive and children with this condition will eventually go blind. This is a fallacy and leads… Read more
The importance of the Malawi Education Sector Reform Programme impact, improved learning outcomes manifested through enhanced quality education, lies at the centre of economic growth theory as well as education economics. Education economists treat expenditures on education as investment flows that build human capital, generating increased income and growth. Macroeconomists have demonstrated that sustainable long… Read more
This paper presents the findings of a nutrition audit for DFID Malawi, which was conducted by MQSUN between June and July 2012. It looks at the extent to which current DFID Malawi programmes and activities already make a contribution to the reduction of undernutrition, the potential for scaling up the existing programmes to contribute to… Read more
This review responds to an NAO request for further work to assess the impact of the health Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Malawi. Malawi has been a relatively strong performer in terms of health outcomes for many years. Since the early part of the decade, key health indicators such as infant and under five mortality rates… Read more