Tag: Policy
DFID has just released a new Education Policy paper, entitled Get Children Learning. It sets out DFID’s current priorities in education and its vision for change in the future. It is a hugely ambitious agenda, full of good intentions and ‘we will ….’ commitments. In seeking to tackle the global learning crisis, DFID ‘will focus on… Read more
This blog is written by Jo Boyden, Director of the Young Lives programme, following her speech at a forum hosted by CIFAR, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, on November 17, 2016. The multi-sectoral forum on the well-being of the world’s children is aimed at bringing researchers, practitioners and policy makers to the table to share… Read more
This publication takes stock of the steadily increasing demands and expectations on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems around the globe and presents recent policy trends in the field of TVET. The authors provide insights into what it takes to unleash the potential of TVET systems around the world. They propose an integrated… Read more
This trend paper provides an overview of the main issues and trends in development cooperation programmes in higher education and research. The paper explores two main types of funding: programmes which fund collaborative projects between organisations in developing countries and higher education and research organisations in the North, and fellowship/scholarship programmes that enable candidates from… Read more
This report attempts to provide a situational analysis of the current social economic and political status of people with disabilities within Uganda, by drawing upon material gathered during key informant interviews and focus groups discussions with key stakeholders within the disability sector. In addition, reference has been made to existing international and country specific research… Read more
This publication details the challenges and lessons learned from 16 years of the Laos PDR inclusive education project. Pre-Service and In-Service training are key areas which need to be strategically developed in order to ensure that all students with disabilities are enabled to participate and achieve in school. Of fundamental importance is the structure of… Read more
This study focuses on how the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (FTI) Partnership is tackling the challenges of disability and inclusion. Its purpose is to assess the disability responsiveness of FTI processes and education sector plans thus far; formulate recommendations to strengthen current processes, tools and partnership mechanisms; and identify new opportunities through which… Read more