Tag: Poverty
K4D is facilitating a learning journey on pollution and poverty. This learning journey is designed to raise awareness of the huge impact of pollution across different sectors of international development and to encourage the integration of pollution control solutions into policymaking and programming, in a multidisciplinary approach. The journey starts by raising awareness of the… Read more
Financing for social protection often comes from government funds. Any way of expanding fiscal space could therefore be useful with the political will for prioritisation (UNESCP, 2016). Egypt created an Economic Justice Unit in the Ministry of Finance to review expenditure priorities, and Costa Rica and Thailand shifted military spending to finance universal health services… Read more
Poverty in a Rising Africa is the first of a two-part volume on poverty in Africa. aimed at better understanding progress in poverty reduction in Africa and articulating a policy agenda to accelerate it. The report discusses the data challenges faced when measuring poverty and inequality in Africa and systematically reviews the measures of poverty… Read more
Widening participation in higher education can be a force for democratisation. It can also map on to elite practices and contribute to further differentiation of social groups. Those with social capital are often able to decode and access new educational opportunities. Those without it can remain untouched by initiatives to facilitate their entry into the privileges that higher… Read more
Our objectives were to document and examine socioeconomic gradients across a comprehensive set of child development measures in a population living in extreme poverty, and to interpret these gradients in light of findings from the neuroscience literature. We assessed a nationally representative sample of 3–6-year-old children (n = 1332) from 150 communities of Madagascar using standard… Read more
The social policy of the Mexican Government is aimed to improve human development and wellbeing among Mexicans through the development of their capacities in health, education and nutrition, in order to promote equality and overcome poverty. Oportunidades is one of the core axes of Mexican policy, and in 2012 is benefiting 5.8 million families. Other… Read more
This feature story highlights Mexico’s exemplary poverty fighting program, Oportunidades, which used results-based financing methods for a decade to help 25% of the population improve their health, nutrition and educational status. Research documenting the program’s results shows how using CCTs raised incomes and changed behavior.
Published in collaboration with the Open University, Early Childhood in Focus offers accessible and clear reviews of the best and most recent available research, information and analysis on key policy issues, offering clear messages on core policy topics and questions. This publication, the fourth in the series, looks at the policy issues surrounding the early… Read more
Using World Health Survey (WHS) quantitative data, this study investigates the economic status of persons with disabilities in 15 developing countries, presenting a snapshot picture of several indicators of economic well-being and poverty across disability status. It has seven main findings. 1. Disability is significantly associated with higher multidimensional poverty in most of the developing… Read more
This article examines the role networking has played, at local and national levels, in facilitating communication between key actors involved in challenging the marginalisation of disabled people from education and from wider Bangladeshi society. Efforts to promote awareness of the importance of including disabled children in their local schools have gained ground at national level… Read more
This article argues that the exclusion of disabled people from international development organizations and research reflects and reinforces the disproportionately high representation of disabled people among the poorest of the poor. The paper commences with a brief exploration of the links between impairment, disability, poverty, and chronic poverty, followed by a discussion of ways in… Read more