Tag: Poverty reduction
The Punjab Economic Opportunities Programme (PEOP) is a flagship programme of the Government of Punjab being implemented in partnership with DfID. PEOP aims to alleviate poverty and create inclusive growth in the province’s high poverty districts – Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Lodhran and Muzaffargarh – by increasing the employability and earnings of poor and vulnerable families. This… Read more
Evidence indicates that in several countries in Africa, women’s earnings are a fraction of male’s earnings. It is argued in this book that the gap is not simply the result of discrimination in the labour markets, but rather the result of multiple factors, including access to education and credit, cultural values and household duties and… Read more
Evidence indicates that a much-feted conditional cash transfer programme designed to widen access to basic education in Bangladesh has failed in its aims. The programme is analysed here as an instance of the effort to govern chronic poverty. For the state, education fits within a national project of poverty reduction and creating governable citizens. For… Read more
While the publication provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the factors linking poverty and disability, the chapter, ‘lifelong learning in education, training and skills development’ considers the lifelong learning that people with disabilities in developing countries need to escape poverty. These include both competencies and qualifications. People with disabilities require skills to reach their potential…. Read more
This report focuses on the direct and indirect effects of private sector activity on job creation. It examines the conditions under which the private sector can best contribute to job creation and poverty reduction. This report also provides estimates of the magnitude of the employment-generation effects. The private sector provides approximately 90 percent of jobs… Read more
The World Development Report 2013 focuses on jobs. It stresses the role of strong private sector led growth in creating jobs and outlines how jobs that do the most for development can spur a virtuous cycle. The report finds that poverty falls as people work their way out of hardship and as jobs empower women to… Read more
Poverty in a Rising Africa is the first of a two-part volume on poverty in Africa. aimed at better understanding progress in poverty reduction in Africa and articulating a policy agenda to accelerate it. The report discusses the data challenges faced when measuring poverty and inequality in Africa and systematically reviews the measures of poverty… Read more
Various interventions aim to increase the capacity of poor people to generate income. Vocational training, micro-finance or business grants are commonly implemented. If perceived returns from these interventions differ from actual returns, individuals who put themselves forward to participate may not be those for whom the program is the most effective. This paper details an… Read more