Tag: Private Schools
In this video Joanna Härmä, visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, talks about research she undertook for DFID in Autumn 2015 on non-state provision of education in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique. In many developing countries governments struggle to provide education that is accessible to all and of good… Read more
This study presents results of a census of non-state schools in two low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique. Non-state schools include purely private, community, and church mission-supported schools some of which receive government support in the form of deployment of civil service teachers. The study finds that the only notable growth of the private sector is… Read more
This paper summarises the rigorous review, The role and impact of private schools in developing countries: A rigorous review of the evidence. The brief notes that arriving at general conclusions from the evidence reviewed is difficult because of the diversity of private schools, the significant gaps in the evidence and the fact that available research is… Read more
This report synthesises the findings from 2 rigorous literature reviews entitled: The role and impact of private schools in developing countries, and The role and impact of philanthropic and religious schools in developing countries. It aims to bring together and compare and contrast key findings from the 2 reviews, and to identify areas of research… Read more
This paper informs debates about the potential role for low-fee private schooling in achieving Education for All goals in India. It reports Young Lives’ longitudinal data for two cohorts (2906 children) in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Eight year olds uptake of private schooling increased from 24 per cent (children born in 1994–5) to 44 per… Read more
Over the past five years, a polarised debate about the potential contribution of low-cost private schools (LCPSs) to achieving Education for All (EFA) objectives has received growing coverage in international policy circles. At the heart of this debate are disputed questions about whether these schools are providing quality education, reaching disadvantaged groups, supporting or undermining… Read more
This report seeks to understand how education technology solutions can be better designed to serve the needs of stakeholders in Affordable Private Schools (APS) in India. APS provide a low-cost private education to communities in India and throughout the developing world. The report’s research explores the trends and opportunities of education technology (ed-tech) in APS,… Read more