Tag: Private Sector
This report provides a review of key literature and evidence on the LLINs and private sector. The evidence base for this report is vast and spans more than twenty years of research evidence, policy documents and implementation programme evaluations and data from sub Saharan Africa and Asia. The relevant literature spans academic publications in biological… Read more
There is a considerable body of evidence on the private provision of healthcare in low- and middle-income countries, often focusing on SSA. However, the evidence base is not robust. Evidence is often mixed and sometimes conflicting and policy implications are unclear. The arguments in favour of private healthcare suggest it is more responsive and efficient,… Read more
Evidence suggests that the provision and access to skills is unequal across different contexts. Marginalised groups are less likely to be able to access skills. Also, gender stereotypes may limit access to skills development, with women and girls being worst affected. Globally, 3 billion people are under 25 years of age, with almost 90 per… Read more
This paper provides a comprehensive look at the way the private sector is involved in youth skills and employment in low- and middle-income countries, considering the broad range of programme types and firm types. It presents and interpret the available evidence of the effectiveness of this involvement. It also presents an understanding of where the… Read more
This paper argues that foreign aid is partly responsible for the lack of structural change in Africa. Africa’s development partners have devoted too few resources and too little attention to two critical constraints to private investment, infrastructure and skills, focusing instead on easily understood, but potentially low impact regulatory reforms. The author argues that a… Read more
This report focuses on the direct and indirect effects of private sector activity on job creation. It examines the conditions under which the private sector can best contribute to job creation and poverty reduction. This report also provides estimates of the magnitude of the employment-generation effects. The private sector provides approximately 90 percent of jobs… Read more
The World Development Report 2013 focuses on jobs. It stresses the role of strong private sector led growth in creating jobs and outlines how jobs that do the most for development can spur a virtuous cycle. The report finds that poverty falls as people work their way out of hardship and as jobs empower women to… Read more
This report aims to provide an understanding of the role of the private sector in skills development, both as employers and as skills providers. The objective was to find potential opportunities to support private sector integration in all aspects of skills development, particularly in low-income contexts. In addition, the research explored the twin issues of… Read more
Structural transformation and productive entrepreneurship can create jobs and accelerate growth. For many people living in poverty in Africa’s least developed countries, subsistence agriculture is the main source of employment. Jobs and growth will improve their chances of increasing their standard of living. However, progress of a dynamic private sector in industry or high value-added… Read more
This report gives an overview of the health situation in Tanzania and their progress towards the goals set in the health Millennium Development Goals. The Joint External Evaluation of the Health Sector in Tanzania concluded that the Health SWAp has contributed to improvements in health outcomes and to improvements in the quality of health services… Read more
This guidance note provides information on how the private sector can become involved in skills development; it identifies the contribution the private sector can make to increase both the quality and quantity of provision, complementing as well as challenging state provision. The note outlines the benefits of engaging the private sector and how that can… Read more