Tag: refugee education
This research seeks to explore the education of refugee children in Uganda. Specifically, it addresses the multiple ways in which refugees access education and the social effects of the differing forms of education on the creation of stability for refugee children. Conditions in Uganda have allowed the development of four distinct arenas in which the… Read more
This article examines the schooling that is provided in the world’s refugee camps. The limitations provided both by the nature of schooling itself and by the international refugee relief system are explored. It is concluded that there are three separate paradoxes making problematic the development of refugee education programmes. The first is the challenge that… Read more
This report notes that on average 24 people were forced to flee each minute in 2015. This is four times more than a decade earlier, when six people fled every 60 seconds. The study tracks forced displacement worldwide based on data from governments, partner agencies and UNHCR’s own reporting. It found a total 65.3 million people were… Read more
Turkey hosts a large number of Syrian refugees, and has undergone many demographic changes as a result. This work refers to uniquely gathered dataset from AFAD and UNHCR in order to understand the current demography of Syrian refugees. It particularly focuses on the current educational assessment of Syrian child refugees in Turkey. The findings indicate that there is a significant… Read more
By 2020, refugee youth (refugees aged 14-29) will number over 1.5 million. This represents an overall 6 per cent rise since 2010: 4 per cent in Jordan, 8 per cent in the West Bank and 15 per cent in Gaza. UNRWA’s ten youth commitments are in the areas of education, health, vocational training, microfinance, scholarships, skills development, rights, partnerships,… Read more
Global forced displacement has seen accelerated growth in 2014, reaching unprecedented levels. The year saw the highest displacement on record. By end-2014, 59.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalised violence, or human rights violations. This is 8.3 million persons more than the year before (51.2 million) and the… Read more
The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol have served as the central instruments underpinning the international refugee protection regime for 60 years. Together with its 1967 Protocol, the Convention provides a universal code for the treatment of refugees uprooted from their countries as a result of persecution, violent conflict, serious… Read more
Studies of specialised agencies of the United Nations in general and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in particular focus overwhelmingly on the humanitarian activities and structures of these institutions. Relatively understudied and less understood in the literature on UNRWA is the impact the institution has had on the ongoing reconstruction of Palestinian… Read more
The focus of this book is on educational equity issues affecting immigrants and refugees. Chapters highlight educational approaches that build from experiential knowledge, draw upon multiple languages, consider group identity, grapple with the complexities of inclusion, address family concerns, promote parental involvement, involve liaison with community agencies, and view cultural differences as educational strengths. While… Read more
Quality education that builds relevant skills and knowledge enables refugees to live healthy, productive lives and builds skills for self-reliance. At present, many refugees lack access to quality education that provides physical protection and personal capacity development. This is particularly true for marginalised groups, including children and young people with physical and cognitive disabilities; overaged learners… Read more
In Chad, refugee students from the Central African Republic (CAR) follow the Chadian curriculum, whereas Sudanese refugees followed the Sudanese curriculum since they arrived in 2003. Due to the difference in language and educational system (Anglophone in Sudan versus Francophone in Chad), a decision was made in 2003 that Sudanese refugee children would follow the… Read more