Tag: refugee education
Providing quality educational opportunities in refugee contexts means that displaced children and youth can benefit from the protection of an accountable social service in which they have the time, opportunity and support to evolve into key actors in their own protection. Quality educational programming contributes to the development of important content knowledge, as well as… Read more
This education brief provides guidance on developing programmes to enroll refugee out-of-school children (OOSC) in school, and to improve initiatives for children not attending school regularly. It provides information on OOSC needs assessments and highlights cross-sectoral linkages. Information provided in this brief can be applied in both protracted and emergency contexts. Children and youth who… Read more
For the majority of refugees in Europe, integration is the most relevant durable solution and EU Member States have placed integration high on the policy and political agenda. This study reviews trends in the development of policy areas relevant to integration. Four project countries took part in the research: France, Sweden, Ireland and Austria. In… Read more