Tag: research
The 2015 autumn spending review launched by the chancellor George Osborne, aims to find ways to reduce the UK government budget by a further £20 billion. While the UK aid budget is protected from such cuts, heightened public awareness of fiscal tightening, and scrutiny from the likes of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI),… Read more
This article traces how changes in international development policy and practice over time and across different donor organisations has influenced Ireland’s stance on the inclusion of higher education and research in Ireland’s overseas development assistance. Evidence of the changes in Ireland’s official thinking on higher education and development is illustrated through two case studies profiling two different modalities, separated by 30… Read more
This article explores how literacy research is currently being positioned to address the political imperatives of the day, focusing on debates relating to the teaching of grammar. It takes the international debate about the value of grammar teaching as the context for exploring prevailing ambiguities and tensions in literacy research, arguing a particular view of… Read more
Research Capacity Building for Development: Resources for Higher Education Institutions is a product of a new strategic partnership between Universities and Higher Education Institutes in Ireland and their counterparts in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda. The Irish African Partnership for Research Capacity Building (IAP) focus on Research Capacity Building is driven by recognition of the… Read more
This book takes an informed and critical look at issues and trends in global higher education over the past twenty five years with an in-depth and often personal account of how these links were managed and led. Ten experts representing a variety of disciplines from areas such as conserving the natural environment, the promotion of human… Read more
Linking key policy themes of interest in the published literature on development studies and comparative education, the article initially explores the potential benefits and risks of partnering transnationally for contextually informed research and sustainable development from the perspective of Southern and Northern higher education institutions. Higher education partnerships recently supported by the development-assistance agencies of… Read more
This book seeks to understand the economic context in East Asia, as a means to understanding the need for an improved higher education system. The book begins with a diagnosis of the current state of higher education in East Asia. Although higher education provides several noneconomic benefits, such as nation building and socialization, the book focuses on the economic benefits of higher education… Read more
To ensure the rhetoric of leaving no one behind becomes a reality, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give rise to an important practical question: how can we monitor progress to ensure we know if we have been successful? As our new DFID-funded paper for HEART shows, it is vital that the commitment to leaving no… Read more
On July 16, 2015, I was lucky enough to find myself in the midst of an enthusiastic group of approximately 40 academics, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) representatives, and activists who had gathered at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge for the fourth and final (for now!) BAICE Forum on Education, Disability, and Development,… Read more
The 3rd December was International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and increase support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. This year, DFID used the date to launch their new Disability Framework, which aims to strengthen disability inclusion in DFID policies and programmes,… Read more