Tag: School
Intensive handwashing promotion can reduce diarrheal and respiratory disease incidence. To determine whether less intensive, more scalable interventions can improve health, we evaluated a school-based handwashing program. We randomized 87 Chinese schools to usual practices: standard intervention (handwashing program) or expanded intervention (handwashing program, soap for school sinks, and peer hygiene monitors). We compared student… Read more
Our research from 1985 to 2001 has focused on analyzing the great variety of education services provided for language minority (LM) students in U.S. public schools and the resulting long-term academic achievement of these students. This five-year research study (1996-2001) is our most recent overview of the types of U.S. school programs provided for these… Read more
While considerable progress has been made in achieving education for all, it continues to be the most disadvantaged who are at the highest risk of educational exclusion, underachievement and early drop-out (UNESCO, 2006). Most often, these problems have been conceptualised as about ‘children’s readiness for school’. Poverty, poor nutrition, and lack of resources and stimulation… Read more
Schooling predicts better reproductive outcomes, better long-term health, and increased lifetime earnings. We used data from 5 cohorts (Brazil, Guatemala, India, the Philippines, and South Africa) to explore the relative importance of birthweight and postnatal weight gain for schooling in pooled analyses (n = 7945) that used appropriate statistical methods [conditional weight (CW) gain measures… Read more
This paper explores the link between P. falciparum malaria– most malaria morbidity and mortality is due to the malignant Plasmodium falciparum -and primary education in terms of school performance on the macroeconomic level. Cross-country regression analysis shows that the relationship between school results (measured in terms of repetition and completion rates) and the P. falciparum… Read more
This study examines the effects of gender and early biological, social, and psychological risk factors on secondary school grade attainment in rural Guatemalan adolescents. The present sample comprised 333 adolescents (156 females and 177 males) with available data on growth, health, and cognitive indices as well as family histories measured during infancy and the preschool… Read more
To evaluate the effectiveness of an intensive hand hygiene campaign on reducing absenteeism caused by to influenza-like illness (ILI), diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and laboratory- confirmed influenza, we conducted a randomized control trial in 60 elementary schools in Cairo, Egypt. Children in the intervention schools were required to wash hands twice daily, and health messages were provided… Read more
Safe drinking water and hygiene are essential to reducing Kenya’s diarrhoeal disease burden. A school-based safe water and hygiene intervention in Kenya was evaluated to assess its impact on students’ knowledge and parents’ adoption of safe water and hygiene practices. We surveyed 390 students from nine schools and their parents at baseline and conducted a… Read more
In large parts of the world, a lack of home tap water burdens households as the water must be brought to the house from outside, at great expense in terms of effort and time This paper studies how such costs affect girls’ schooling in Ghana, with an analysis based on four rounds of the Demographic… Read more
Over the past decade, the child-friendly schools (CFS) model has emerged as UNICEF’s signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. Child-friendly schools enable all children to achieve their full potential. As a part of a Global Capacity Development Programme on CFS, UNICEF has developed the Child Friendly Schools… Read more
Over the past decade, the child-friendly schools (CFS) model has emerged as UNICEF’s signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. Child-friendly schools enable all children to achieve their full potential. As a part of a Global Capacity Development Programme on CFS, UNICEF has developed the Child Friendly Schools… Read more